
Forms of Rejection Letters

Please try again “Thanks for applying. We have decided that you are not a good fit here. We encourage you to apply again in the future even though we have not told you what was wrong with you as a candidate or application.” The data collectors “… We will keep your resume in our records—a […]


A Discarded Paragraph From a Machine Learning Paper

Cut from the introduction: Finally the economic incentive. By using machine learning for this task we are freeing up the man-hours of dozens if not hundreds of astrophysics PhD students whose sole existence is to categorize galaxies, quasars, and red giants for their thesis advisers. In this manner we follow the footsteps of Bertrand Russel […]

Humor Review

“Game X” Is Only as Fun as…

Keystone gameplay elements, called so because if they’re taken out the game isn’t that much fun anymore. I started thinking about this during a bitter game of Overwatch and I’ve applied it here to bunch of other games: Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) is only as fun as the loot you find in the first five […]

Humor Technology

How to Run a Crowdfunding Scam

Despite only ever funding one crowdfunding campaign in my entire life, the targeted ad powers that be have determined that I really like crowdfunding. A specific category always gets advertised to me: technology that can do something truly amazing which no one else is pursuing. A year or so later I catch an article that […]