
ShengShou 7×7, Non-Pillowed Cube Advantage?

Dan Cohen made this post in the speedsolving video section of a simple 7×7 single solve with the ShengShou 7×7. The time of the single solve was 3:17.05, three seconds under the current world record average and four seconds above the single solve world record. I’m not typically someone who is vaguely interested in the […]

Review Speedcubing

V-Cube 3 Extended Review and Follow Up

Remember this is all just for the flat version of the V-Cube 3. I got the V-Cube 3 and I was really hopeful for it. I really like the 2×2 and 5×5, also the times I’ve tried the 7×7 I was pleased. Unfortunately the 3×3 category was already take from them by Dayan and others. […]


V-Cube 3 Officially Announced

A few posts ago I talked about the leaking of the V-Cube 3. The primary issue we all saw in the leak is that it was pillowed, meaning that it was not competition legal. The lesson I learned today is not to base all expectation off of just one leaked image. Today the V-Cube 3 […]

Review Speedcubing

Dayan ZhanChi Extended Review

I had this cube for a little more than a week now and I’ve truly given it my best, but the cube just isn’t working out. I can pull off some good averages, but nothing seems to stick. To start off I would simply like to maintain an reemphasize what I said at the end […]